Blog: Teacher Tips: Keeping Students Engaged in Virtual Math Class

作为一个狂热的读者, 作家, 兼英语教师, nothing used to scare me more than the possibility of having to cover an absent colleague’s math class. Like a fish out of water, my literacy-geared mind simply cannot adapt to the math world. Now that we educators have moved into the virtual realm of instruction, 至少目前是这样, I am 更 in awe of how my math teacher counterparts are able to reach their students when it comes to such complex skills. 那是不用说的, for students like myself who find math to be 困难 to begin with, 他们一定是在网上找数学指导  困难. Another critical piece of this perplexing puzzle is this: how on earth are teachers now adapting to make online math instruction engaging?



就像我们在体育课上一样, 为了提高对课程或概念的参与度, teachers should try their best to connect the activity or information to students’ real-world problems. Enough with the “train leaving the station at a certain time” word problems and examples. Students will inevitably zone out when the material is not relevant or familiar. 而不是, use what you know about your students to incorporate their interests into your math lesson, then connect the content to a problem that they might actually need to solve at some point. Making the concepts less arbitrary by showing students how to use these math skills in the real world will take engagement to a new level.

  • 教测量、周长、面积等., have students make a plan for rearranging their room by actually measuring out their bedrooms and bedroom furniture.
    • Visual learners can sk等h a “floor plan” for where they could realistically move their bed, 梳妆台, 桌子上, 等.
    • Kinesthetic learners may want to build a diorama or 3D representation of their bedroom arrangement proposal using everyday materials around the house like cardboard, 吸管, 磁带, 便签, 等.
  • Teach percentages and healthy eating by demonstrating how much sugar is in some of your students’ favorite candies and treats. Poll students in advance and do a little research about how many grams of sugar are in some of their favorite candy bars.
    • Then challenge students to represent those grams in tablespoons so that they can visually see how much sugar they are ingesting.
    • Extend the activity by discussing how much of their daily recommended sugar intake is “eaten up” by choosing that candy bar. Ask students to figure out how much of a healthier treat, 像葡萄, they could eat in place of the candy bar—they’ll be amazed at the comparison.
  • Teach concepts involving time by having students actually time themselves doing everyday tasks, 比如步行去公园, 整理床铺, 刷牙, 等.
    • Then incorporate multiplication skills to see how many minutes students spend 刷牙 in a year, 例如.
    • You can surprise them 更 by asking them to track screen time for a week and then finding out the average time they might be spending in front of their phones per year.


庆祝(和 L从…中赚取 E辨识

Students don’t often spend time reviewing math e辨识 to gain a substantial understanding. 而不是, they’re correcting mistakes for additional credit, or overlooking the missteps altogether. Teachers can boost engagement by capitalizing on students’ e辨识 in non-judgmental ways.

  • Teachers may want to try a practice called “the best mistake” in which they use anonymous student samples to analyze where a math problem went wrong.
    • This activity encourages students to take on another’s perspective, 重读和复习材料, and look critically at different mathematical functions and properties.
    • This activity also helps to remove the stress around math quizzes and word problems by making light of e辨识 and demonstrating how they happen to everyone—we all make mistakes sometimes. The key is to use those mistakes and improve in the future.
  • Teachers can also increase engagement by letting students be the experts and intentionally making an error in a math problem.
    • Tell students in advance that a step or number is incorrect. Ask students to discuss and collaborate in groups in order to spot the teacher’s error.
    • Remember, kids always love being able to correct the teacher—even if the error is intentional.


